Town of Waco

North Carolina

Attorney - Appointed by Board

Tom Martin, Attorney at Law

212 DeKalb St.

Shelby, North Carolina 28150


Clerk - Appointed by Board

Tiffany Lott 

341 S. Main St. / PO Box 430

Waco, NC 28169



You can reach the Mayor or any member of the Town of Waco Board by sending an email to


The Town of Waco Board of Aldermen meet the third Monday of each month at the Waco Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public and starts at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Mayor - Term 2023 - 2027

John E. "Butch" Barrett, Jr.

234 S. Main St. / PO Box 31

Waco, NC 28169

704-769-4147 (home)

​704-718-8475 (cell) 

Alderman - Term - 2023 - 2027

Linwood Pete Sauls 

211 S. Main St. / PO Box 639

​Waco, NC 28169


Alderman - Term 2023 - 2025

Chester R. Haynes

416 Phillips Dr.

Cherryville, NC 28021



Alderman - Mayor Pro-Tem Term - 2023 -2027

Mike Scism  

320 S. Main St. / PO Box 67 

Waco, NC 28169

