
Town of Waco

North Carolina

April 28, 2019

Mayor Barrett was presented a resolution from the Cleveland County Commissioners at their April 16th meeting honoring Waco native Floyd Patterson for his achievements in the world of boxing. The two Board's have joined together to request the NCDOT place slogan signs at the Waco City Limits stating "Home of Floyd Patterson Former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion".  Patterson was born in Waco on January 4, 1935 and started boxing at the age of 14. At the age of 17 he won an Olympic Gold Metal as a middleweight at the 1952 games in Helenski, Finland. In 1956 Patterson became the youngest ever heavyweight boxing champion at the age of 21. He held the title from 1956 - 1959 and became the first boxer to re-gain the title in 1960.  He held the title until 1962. He ended his boxing career in 1972 with 55 wins - 8 loses and 1 draw including 40 knockouts. Floyd Patterson, known as the "gentleman of Boxing",  died on May 11, 2006 and is buried in New Platz, NY. jeb

December 28, 2015

Waco is planning on expanding our holiday flag displays and to do so we need additional flag poles. During Christmas 2015 we displayed 25 Holiday flags that were donated by the Waco Stop and Shop and they looked great. Over the next year we are planning on adding to that number. We are working toward a purchase of 40 American Flags to be displayed on Memorial Day, July 4th, Flag Day and Veterans Day and we need additional poles to make this happen. If anyone has poles they are not using please contact us. We would like to bring the number of poles we have to at least 50. Thank you from Waco. jeb

July 3, 2020

Three years ago the Town Board began discussing  the idea of upgrading our holiday light displays. The pole mount lights that the town has so proudly displayed each Christmas were purchased in the 1990's. Although still beautiful, the lights are beginning to show their age and the town owned electrical grid that supports the lights also needs some upgrades. Of all the projects the Board has undertaken over the past few years, this one will be the most visible. Not only do our citizens enjoy the lights, thousands of holiday travelers breeze their way through Waco each Christmas.

Thanks to a grant from Cleveland County in July of 2019, the Town of Waco was able to secure the funds to replace all our pole mount Christmas lights and to upgrade the supporting electrical grid. In October 2019 the Board begun looking for a vendor that could supply a style of lights that would be cost effective, energy efficient and nothing like any other municipality in the area has. In early 2020 the Board reached out to all the citizens in Waco to offer ideas and suggestions on the designs of the lights to purchase. After months of discussions and countless reviews of designs the Board approved a bid from Evangaline Specialties in Lafayette, LA.in April of 2020 to purchase 26 new LED pole mount lights. The Board also awarded the electrical grid upgrades to Dedmon Electric. 

We're happy to announce that we took delivery of the new Christmas lights in mid-June and Dedmon Electric has us on their schedule. 

Don't worry, our old lights will live to shine again. We sold them to the Town of Richfield in Stanley County North Carolina where they will make a new group of holiday travelers smile this Christmas.  

Now we have to sit back and wait 5 months for the big reveal. We sure hope everyone will be pleased. This was a big project for Waco and one that will be around for many years to come. We do want to thank all the citizens from Waco and the Waco community for your help in reviewing designs and with helping us to make the final choices. We realize that this project is bigger than the Town of Waco. We're very pleased that this project will touch so many people in Waco and the surrounding communities. Who's ready for Christmas? jeb

April 26, 2018

The Town of Waco will be participating in the National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 3rd. We will open the doors at the Town Hall at 12:00 noon. The service will begin at 12:20 pm. We invite everyone in Waco and the surrounding  communities to join us in this service. jeb

February 15, 2024

Our new Community Watch program tee shirts are on sale now! Tee shirts are $15.00 each for med to XL and 2XL & 3XL are $17.00 each. The tee's are in Colbalt blue and are 100% cotton. All proceeds of tee shirt sales go to the Community Watch program. Contact any member to purchase shirt's or email us at townofwaco@gmail.com. jeb

March 27, 2017

We are proud to welcome Dollar General to the Waco Community. The new store opened on March 19, 2017 and sits at the intersection of Cherryville Rd. and Old Stubbs Rd. jeb

July 19, 2024

The Town Board passed this resolution to close an un-named and un-developed street in the 100 block of North Main St. (see picture below) at the July meeting. A public hearing is scheduled for Monday August 19, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall to allow anyone interested an opportunity to ask questions or make comments. The public hearing is open to the public. jeb

2nd. Place - Score of 94 - 133 Moss St. - Tracy Chichester

April 28, 2018

The Town of Waco Board of Aldermen and I are reaching out to all property owners in Waco and reaffirming our determination to continue our focus on improving the overall appearance of Waco. Over the past two years we have addressed the overgrowth on our side streets, we have continued to work clearing the curbing and have worked to keep the sidewalks edged. We repainted all the fire hydrants in Town last year and we are working to repair or replace all missing or damaged street signs this summer. We are also continuing our efforts on clearing and cleaning our ditch and drainage lines. This year's focus is related to the Town of Waco Ordinance Section 3.5-42 "Responsibility of Owners and Occupants" as it relates to Yard Waste, Lawn Care and Maintenance and "Care of Premises". We wanted to call this to everyone's attention so that we are all on the same page and have the same understanding of the expectations set forth by this ordinance established in 2001.

As part of this focus we are planning a "Clean Up Waco Day" on Saturday May 5th. Please join us at 9:00 am at the Community Building and let's spend a few hours with our neighbors walking the streets of Waco. Come join us on the 5th and let's work together to make a difference. We are stronger when we work together. jeb

This page will highlight what's happening in Waco and the surrounding community.

Resolution No. 2024-05-1

Resolution Declaring the Intent of the Town of Waco Board of Aldermen to Consider the Closing of the Un-named and Un-developed Side Street between parcels 16015 and 15994 off of the 100 block of North Main Street

WHEREAS, North Carolina General Stature 160A-299 authorizes the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waco to permanently close public streets and alleys; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Waco has received a request to close an un-named and un-developed street located off of the 100 block of North Main Street. The open street right-of-way is fifteen feet (15’) in width and two hundred (200’) in length and runs between parcels 16015 and 15994; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Waco Board of Aldermen considers it advisable to conduct a public hearing for the purpose of giving consideration to permanently closing the aforementioned street right-of-way.


            Section 1. That a Public Hearing will be held at 6:30 pm on Monday August 19, 2024, in the Council Chambers located at 200 A.W. Black St. Waco, North Carolina, to consider an order to permanently close said street right-of-way.

            Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Resolution of Intent once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the Public Hearing.

            Section 3. The Town Clerk is further directed to transmit by Certified Main, Return Receipt Requested, to each owner of the property abutting on said street right-of-way, a copy of this Resolution of Intent, and shall cause of notice of the Public Hearing to be prominently posted in at least two places along the street.

            Section 4. This Resolution of Intent shall become effective upon its adoption and approval.

Adopted and approved this the 15th of July 2024. 

March 28, 2017

In May 2015 a project was launched to repair and restore a group of trophies that represent athletic teams from the old Waco School. The trophy case and all restoration was paid for by donations from Waco School alumni. The trophies and trophy case are proudly displayed in the Waco Town Hall. We want to thank everyone who felt our passion and helped to bring these historic trophies back to life. They represent years of Waco Wildcat Pride. jeb 

March 30, 2024

The Waco Community Watch program surpassed their 2-year anniversary in March and continues to be very active in the community. At our last meeting, Sergent Gordon with the Cleveland County Sheriff's Department let members know that our program was one of the most active in the county. He was impressed with the growing program and with all that the program has accomplished since it began. The Waco Community Watch program operates primarily on donations and members are always looking at ways to raise money. They are currently raising money by offering colbalt blue Community Watch tee shirts for $15.00 and they'll have some white tees for summer available soon. The group has recently sponsored the Soup & Chili night and co-sponsored the Easter Community Celebration and Egg Hunt with MMBC. Other upcoming events include their "3rd Annual Block Party" on August 24th and a plan to host a movie night this summer. They will also be hosting a "Trunk or Treat" in October and several activities for the Christmas season. Membership in the Community Watch program is open to anyone in the Waco community that is interested in helping keep our neighborhoods safe.

Most recently the program purchased a Popcorn maker and Snow Cone machine to use at events and will be offering to rent these out to groups that reserve the Community Center. We also have Breezer misting fans available for your outdoor events. These are the cooling fans you see on the sidelines of NFL games that help cool the players.  If interested, you can inquire about availability and cost by emailing townofwaco@gmail.com. The group meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Community Center. The next meeting is on April 4th. Put the date on your calender and bring a friend. jeb

March 5, 2016

This is the proposed updated seal for the Town of Waco that has been presented by local graphic designer Jimmy Carpenter to the board for their consideration. The seal incorporates all the same visual aspects from the current seal with fresh and more colorful aesthetics. The proposed change of the town's seal comes from a desire to improve and update the town's image, and to create a specific new more colorful design that represents Waco and it's citizens.  My vision is that the seal becomes the visual representation of our great town and one that we see on vehicle window seals, bumper stickers and on tee shirts. I believe those of us from Waco and people with ties to Waco would be proud to display this beautiful image on our cars.   I also believe sales would be brisk for "I love Waco" tee shirts with this seal on it. We want to hear from you on this idea. Please let us know what you think.  jeb

September 26, 2020

​Several years ago the Town of Waco purchased the lot that sits adjacent to the Waco Community Center from the family of Delmas Baker. Mr. Bakers' parents, Hugh and Ora Lingerfelt, had lived on the property for many years and were well known and much loved Waco citizens. Although the Lingerfelt home was razed, there remained a concrete slab where an out building had once stood. Earlier this year the Town Board voted to utilize the area as a picnic shelter and dedicate it in memory of Hugh and Ora Lingerfelt. The awning was installed earlier this month. The picnic area is part of the Waco Community Center grounds and open for public use. jeb 

January 1, 2024

Another project in the books. Thanks goes out to Cleveland County EMS for the donation of an AED (Automated external defibrillator) that's mounted at the Waco Community Center. Early CPR and access to an AED makes a difference in the survival of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).  SCA isn't the same as a heart attack. A heart attack happens when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked. Heart attack symptoms include chest pain often radiating to the left arm, neck and jaw, difficulty breathing and sweating. These symptoms are often ignored, and they increase in intensity over time. A SCA is sudden and often occurs without warning. Symptoms are immediate and severe and include: sudden collapse, no pulse, no breathing, and loss of consciousness. Rapid use of an AED in cases of a SCA can shock the heart back into a survival rhythm. Recognition of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and a SCA helps in quick access of EMS and knowing CPR and how to use an AED is vital in the out of the hospital survival. We strongly encourage everyone to contact your local fire department or EMS and find out more about taking a CPR class. jeb

March 1, 2024

The Community Watch program is hosting a "Soup & Chili Night" on Saturday March 16, 2024 from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. The event is open to the public and the food is free. The Community Watch program will be accepting donations for future events and new Community Watch tee shirts will be on sale. All the soups and chili are being made by members of the Community Watch program. Please place this event on your calendar and plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you on the 16th.  jeb

September 28, 2018

The Town of Waco is pleased to announce that we have been selected to receive $24,000.00 for the economic development project titled "Downtown Revitalization Project" which includes $10,000.00 for sidewalk repairs; $8,000.00 for building renovations to the Waco Town Hall and $6,000.00 for renovations to the Waco Community Building from the Rural Economic Development Division of the NC Department of Commerce and the members of the NC General Assembly. We are currently getting quotes on the three projects and hope to begin the work in the Fall of 2018.  The picture (left) is of Rep. Kelly Hastings presenting the check to Mayor John Barrett at the September 2018 Waco Town Board meeting. jeb

August 22, 2023

The Community Playground project was a huge hit with families in Waco and the surrounding community. Phase 1 of the project was completed in November 2022 and from day one, families and their children have visited the playground on a daily basis. Phase 1 was developed for children ages 6 - 12 and the play equipment was chosen for that age group. We have received nothing but positive response from community members, however, the one request we have received was for some type of play equipment for younger children ages 2-5. In June 2023 the Town Board contracted with Elite Playground Equipment to purchase and install an additional swing set with bucket seats for toddlers and two bounce and swing spring stations. These additional play structures were installed in August 2023. We want to thank everyone for their support of our Community Playground. jeb

April 18, 2024

What do you think of our new one-color Community Watch tee shirt design?  White tee shirts are now available for $15.00 ea. Message us if you're interested. jeb

Thank you NC House Speaker Tim Moore!

April 20, 2022

​The Town of Waco recently began a "Waco Community Watch" program. Community Watch is a crime prevention program that enlist the participation of local residents and businesses in cooperation with the Cleveland County Sheriff's Department to help reduce crime in the community. The plan is to engage people in all parts of the Waco community through monthly meetings, brochures, and an active social media campaign. We have developed a Facebook group page where members can share information and concerns about criminal activity in their neighborhoods. We also have a growing email group for our non-Facebook residents where we share relevant community watch information. Our plan is to purchase and post Community Watch signs throughout the community and to distribute Community Watch window stickers to all interested home owners. Interested residents are encouraged to contact us for more information. We want to thank our local graphic design artist Jimmy Carpenter for designing our new logo. jeb

September 28, 2023

NC House Speaker Tim Moore Secures Millions for Cleveland County Investments

Last week, the NC General Assembly gave final approval to the 2023 Appropriations Act, which included $139.8 million in investments for Cleveland County, including:

$2.5 million to the Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department

$145,000 to the Town of Waco for a playground expansion

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said, “I am so proud to have secured the much-needed funding for projects that make long-term investments in Cleveland County and the bright future ahead. jeb

October 21, 2021

​On April 28, 2019 the Town of Waco approached the Cleveland County Commission with a resolution asking for their support to honor Waco native Floyd Patterson with a slogan sign to be placed at the town limits calling attention to his accomplishments in the world of boxing. With their support, the town began work with the NCDOT on the design and development of new "Welcome to Waco" signs to greet residents and visitors along with the signs to highlight Patterson's achievements in boxing. On Wednesday October 20, 2021 the new signs were installed by the NCDOT at the town limits on Cherryville Rd. We are proud to finally honor our hometown hero and want to thank everyone involved in this project. We also want to thank the citizens from the Waco Community that were instrumental in raising the funds to pay for the signs and to the Patterson family for their support and patience throughout this process. jeb

November 8, 2022

​We are very please to announce that the 1st phase of the "Waco Community Playground" project is complete. We worked with Elite Playground Equipment out of Raleigh to purchase and install swings, slides, monkey bars and a climbing dome on the lower portion of the Community Center property. The playground is open to members of the Waco Community as well as persons renting the Community Center. We do ask that anyone using the playground to please follow the "Playground rules" and to play safe. We are currently  working with Duke Energy to install lighting for the playground. Phase 2 of the project will include expanding the playground and adding a walking track, additional benches and picnic shelters. We believe the "Waco Community Playground" is a great addition to the Town of Waco and the entire Waco Community. jeb

What's Happening Around Town

April 23, 2020

​​We are so proud to have the Washington Outreach Ministry Food Pantry in the Waco community. They support hundreds of families with food donations each week. They can be reached by phone 704-769-4128, by mail PO Box 507 Waco, NC 28169 or email lwebber14@carolina.rr.com jeb

February 28, 2022

In July of 2019 the Town Board began discussing the idea of creating a park / playground for the citizens of Waco. Our efforts to secure additional property for a stand alone park have so far been unsuccessful, however, we are still dedicated to the project. Our current plan is to purchase several pieces of commercial playground equipment and place it on the lawn near the picnic area at the Community Center. Our vision is to purchase several different types of equipment including swings, slides, benches and other playground structures as we develop the project. This area would be open to town residents as well as being available to persons renting the Community Center. We have also discussed adding fencing and lighting to the area as well as adding a small walking track in the future. We will be discussing some of the project specifics at the March meeting and we encourage any interested persons to attend and join us in the discussions.  jeb

May 21, 2022

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Town of Waco Alderman and Mayor Pro-Tem Judy S. Thompson following a brief illness. First elected in 2013, Judy was in her third term as Alderman and had served as Mayor Pro-Tem since 2018. Her dedication to the citizens of Waco and her attention to detail will be missed. Judy has spent her time on the Board focused on making Waco better for everyone. Please keep her husband Hubert, her daughters and the entire family in your prayers.  jeb

March 1, 2024

The Community Watch program is proud to debut their refurbished marquee sign that they plan to use to highlight any activities or events that they plan for the community. The sign was purchased with donations and Watch member Israel Hamilton updated the lights to LED and painted the sign. The sign is setting at the Community Center and we encourage you to watch for changing messages. We hope to replace it in the future with a new LED automated messaging sign. Donations are appreciated. jeb

June 24, 2016

The Town of Waco is selling tee shirts. The tees are $12.50 each sizes small, medium, large and X-large. Larger sizes are $14.50 ea. All proceeds will be used for renovations to the Community Center. The tees come in White or Maroon. Message us with questions. jeb

January 10, 2016

The Waco Town Board will hold their next monthly meeting on Monday January 18th beginning at 7:00 pm. The meeting is open to the public and we encourage all interested citizens to attend.  jeb

1st Place - Score of 100 - Cherryville Rd. - Darrell and Amanda Vess

                 Pictured are members of the Patterson family;  NC Boxing Commission Chairperson Valerie Dorsett;  Mayor Barrett and NC Senator Ted Alexander. 

March 31, 2021

We have these items for sale. Tee shirts are $12.00 ea. and the polo's are $24.00 ea. Contact a Board member for more information. You can also send us a message from the Contact Page on the website.  jeb

May 5, 2023

The 2nd annual "Waco Community Block Party" has been scheduled for Saturday August 26th!  The Block Party will once again be sponsored by the Waco Community Watch program and festivities will include free hotdogs, chips and drinks, games and a bounce house for the kids, snow cones, popcorn and a smoke house display by the Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department. Other activities will include a demonstration by the Cleveland County Sheriff's Department K-9 division, and a raffle.  jeb

December 19, 2022

Below are the winning homes in our "Waco Lights Up for Christmas" decorating contest. We want to thank every household in Waco that participated in our contest. Together you made our small corner of the world much brighter this Christmas. We also want to thank our judges, Cleveland County Chamber Executive Director Christine Cribb and Cleveland County Chamber Administrative Assistant Kathryn Pennington for their help in making this contest a success. jeb

July 23, 2019

The Town of Waco is forming a committee to be made up of citizens from Waco and the surrounding area to begin discussions on the planning, design and development of a park for the Waco Community. We encourage anyone interested in being a part of this group to contact us by email at townofwaco@gmail.com or by calling 704-769-4147. We are excited to take this first step in a project that we feel can reach every corner of the Waco Community. It may seem a bit ambitious but if we don't take this first step, we'll never accomplish this dream. jeb

July 17, 2022

The Community Watch program will be hosting a "Get to Know your Neighbor's Block Party" at the Community Center on Saturday August 27th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. We will be offering free hotdogs, drinks, chips and sweet treats to all that attend. The event will have a Bounce house for the kids and adult games including Bean bag toss for the adults. The fire department will also be out to help keep the kids cool, so wear your swim trunks. We really want this to be a success so plan to drop by for lunch and spend a few hours getting to know your neighbors. We look forward to seeing you on August 27th!  jeb

November 5, 2022

The Town Board voted at their October meeting to sponsor a "Waco Lights Up for Christmas" contest for this holiday season. Homeowners in Waco are encouraged to find their inner "Clark Griswold" and decorate the exterior of their home. Christine Cribb, Executive Director of the Cleveland County Chamber, and her staff will visit Waco on Thursday December 15th and will choose the best decorated and most festive home in town. The winning homeowner will receive $250.00 to help offset their expenses and second place homeowner will be awarded $150.00.  Winners will be announced at the December 19th Board meeting. We encourage every homeowner in Waco to participate in this contest. There can be only one winner but, in the end, we all win. jeb

March 7, 2024

We are excited to partner with Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church for an Easter Community Celebration and Easter Egg Hunt. The event runs from 1pm - 5pm and will include food, fun games, bounce house and an Easter Egg Hunt. The event will be held at the Waco Community Center and the MMBC campus. We look forward to seeing you there. jeb

March 5, 2020

The Town of Waco is excited to announce that the Lake Cornor Store (aka Chicken Hill) at 1804 Cherryville Rd. has opened a grill. They have long been serving some of the best chicken wings and tater wedges in the area and now they have expanded their menu.  We encourage everyone to stop by and indulge in some good food at Waco's own hometown grill. jeb

(Pictured left to right, Vice-Chair Ronnie Whetstine, Mayor Barrett, Ed Goforth, Commissioner Deb Hardin, Commissioner Doug Bridges and Commissioner Johnny Hutchins)

December 18, 2023

Here are the winning homes in our second annual "Waco Lights Up for Christmas" decorating contest. We want to thank every household in Waco that participated in our contest. Together you made our small corner of the world much brighter this Christmas. We also want to thank our judges, Jeff Yates, Cleveland County Crime Stoppers Program Coordinator, and his wife Cheryl for their help in making this contest a success.  This contest has been such a success that we have already made plans to hold it again in 2024. This year the Community Watch program added Christmas caroling and a movie night to the festivities and we plan to expand on those activities next year. We also will have big news to announce on another special holiday activity that we are working on soon. jeb

1st.  Place - Score of 96 - 416 Phillips Dr. - Chester and Becky Haynes

September 26, 2024

The Town of Waco didn't suffer the major flooding damage as our neighbors in Western North Carolina, but we did have high winds and heavy rain that led to an extended power outage in the entire town and major damage to trees Several streets were blocked by fallen trees and there are homes with trees laying on them. Thanks Duke Energy, our power was restored on Monday and many citizens are continuing to cut downed trees off their property and are working to get back to normal. Our heart goes out to all those affected by Hurricane Helene and our prayers go out to the families of those killed and those still missing. Please pray for Western North Carolina. jeb

2nd Place - Score of 97 - 222 South Main St. - Pat Darty

5th. Place - Score of 71 - 2606 Fallston-Waco Rd. - Joey and Lori Barrett

March 26, 2019

The safety of our citizens and all those traveling through the Town of Waco is a major concern of the Waco Town Board. For that reason, the Town of Waco and the NCDOT have worked together to lower the speed limit on Cherryville Rd. (NC 150) to 35 MPH within the city limits. Our hope is that this change will cut down on the number of vehicle accidents along Cherryville Rd. and reduce injuries. We have also added a "Stop Ahead" sign on Mill Rd. to warn drivers of the upcoming intersection. Cherryville Rd. is a busy stretch of highway traveled by hundred's of vehicles daily and we feel this move was a big step in helping keep our citizens and visitors safe. jeb

January 2018

We are proud to welcome Lake Corner Store "Chicken Hill"  into the Waco Town limits. They requested a satellite annexation and we were glad to make them a part of the Town of Waco! jeb

May 25, 2024 

We want to thank Community Watch members Israel Hamilton and Andre Terrell for spending Memorial Day pressure washing the Community Center. Their work made a huge difference in the appearance of the building. The Community Watch program working to building a better and cleaner community. jeb

3rd Place (Tie) - Score of 96 - 416 Phillips Dr. Chester and Becky Haynes 

4th Place - Score of 95 - 133 Moss St. - Tracy Chichester

April 2, 2018

FYI - Representatives from the NCDOT including engineers, surveyors and geologist as well as representatives from other state and federal agencies will be working in Waco in the next several months collecting data that will be used to determine the location and design of a future bridge replacement project on SR 1001 (the bridge that crosses the CSX railroad tracks at the Hwy 150 intersection). This project is on the NCDOT 10 year plan.

The Waco Town Board will discuss holding a public hearing on the project at their April 16th meeting. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the April meeting. jeb

July 3, 2024

Make plans to join us at our "Back to School Block Party" on Saturday August 24th. The event is sponsored by the Waco Community Watch program and will be held at the Community Center and runs 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. This year we are excited to partner with Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church to make our yearly event even better.  We'll be serving free hotdogs, baked beans, chips, drinks and sweets treats starting at 11:00 am. Activities will include a huge inflatable water slide, bounce house and kiddy pools to keep the kids cool and entertained. Kids can also burn off some energy at the playground and basketball court. There will be outdoor music along with bean bag toss and lawn darts for our competitive adults. MMBC will host Bingo and cake walks in a cooler indoor environment for our more seasoned crowd. We've also invited Waco Community Volunteer Dept, Cleveland County Sheriffs' Dept and Cleveland County EMS to set up displays and offer educational information and safety presentations for all ages. There will be face painting and sidewalk chalk contest going on throughout the afternoon and a bountiful amount of popcorn and snow cones for everyone. If all of that wasn't enough, there will be free bookbags and school supplies available to help get the kids ready for going back to school. Toss the kids in the car and grab a lawn chair and make plans spend the day with us and your neighbors at this community wide event. Community Watch tee shirts will be on-sale and all funds collected are used to help support our program  jeb

February 26, 2022

The Town of Waco and the Cleveland County Sheriff's Department will be hosting Community Watch meetings at 6:30 pm on Thursday March 10th and Wednesday March 16th at the Community Center. The program will provide crime prevention education and awareness, tips to reduce crime and improve quality of life and establish a sense of well-being by watching out for one another in our local neighborhoods. Please make plans to join us as we meet and learn how to keep our town safe. jeb

March 27, 2017

We were honored to be invited to participate in the groundbreaking for the Washington Missionary Baptist Church Family Life Center and Food Pantry. The Outreach Ministry Food Pantry provides food to 8000 people monthly. For more information contact Rev. Frances Webber.  jeb

5th Place - Score of 93 - 2333 Cherryville Rd. - Betty Padgett

August 19, 2024

The Town Board and the Community Watch program have joined forces to bring back a holiday tradition that has not occurred in Waco in the past 35 years. Brightening the holiday season has been a focus of the Town Board since purchasing new LED pole mount lights in 2020. The next addition to the town's holiday spirit was the "Waco Lights Up for Christmas" home decorating contest that began in 2022. The contest grew even larger with more homes participating in 2023 and the Community Watch program added "Caroling and Cocoa" to the night the contest judging occurred. It seemed like bringing back the Christmas Parade was a natural evolution to our holiday festivities. The parade is in the early planning phase, and we will release more information as we get closer to December. If you are interested in helping with the planning or would like to be a participant in the parade, please contact us. jeb

4th. Place - Score of 85 - 222 South Main St. - Pat Darty

​3rd. Place - Score of 91 - 303 Devenny Rd. - Israel and Kim Hamilton

March 20, 2019

The Town of Waco is excited to announce that we have secured the bids and are ready to begin work on our Downtown Revitalization Projects. The Town Board awarded contracts to Holland's Concrete of Lawndale to start work on repairing several areas of sidewalk damage and to Harris Glass & Windows of Gastonia to replace 10 windows in the Town Hall and 4 in the Community Center. The work is set to begin within the next few weeks. We are a little behind out original timeline on these projects but we are now ready to move forward and begin the renovations. Things are happening in Waco. jeb

November 10, 2021

The Town of Waco held a dedication ceremony for the new "Welcome to Waco Home of Floyd Patterson Former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion 1956-59, 1960-62" signs on Wednesday November 10th. Guest Speaker Valerie Dorsett, North Carolina Boxing Commission Chairperson, spoke of the lasting contributions that Mr. Patterson made in the world of boxing and how he was a true gentleman. She praised his dedication to the sport and spoke of how his impact has affected boxing for years. State Senator Ted Alexander spoke of how Patterson's rich family history and his contributions positively reflected on North Carolina and Cleveland County and how Patterson's legacy in the sports world represents his tie's to the Town of Waco and Cleveland County. The dedication was attended by members of the Patterson family and they expressed their sincere appreciation to the Town for the ceremony. Others attendance were NC State Rep. Kelly Hastings, Cleveland County Commissioners Doug Bridges, Deb Hardin and Ronnie Whetstine, NC Boxing Commission Representative Dr. Dennis Reno, local business owners, the Director of the Cleveland County Chamber, Director of Cleveland County Tourism, citizens from the community and the media. jeb

October 13, 2017

The Waco Town Board voted to implement curbside recycling in their 2017-2018 budget. Waco will be the first small municipality in Cleveland County to offer this service at no cost to it's citizens. We are very excited to partner with Republic Services in taking this step to help save the environment. jeb

August 18, 2022

The Town of Waco Board of Aldermen voted to appoint Chester R. Haynes to the open Board seat that was left vacant after the passing of Alderman Judy S. Thompson in May. Chester Haynes will serve in the position until the general election in November 2023. We look forward to Chester's fresh outlook and vision as he joins the Board in making decisions to better the Town of Waco. Chester has lived on Phillips Dr. in Waco for the past 40 years and is married to Becky Barrett who is the daughter of former Board member Joe Barrett. jeb

April 7, 2016

Very pleased to announce that the Town Board officially adopted the proposed seal at the March meeting. Thanks goes out to all the citizens that attended the Board meeting and voiced their support for the updated seal. We also want to thank the citizens who stepped up with offers of donations to help off set any fees for printing letterhead, business cards, envelopes and magnetic door signs. jeb

October 10, 2021 

In 2016 we approached local graphic designer Jimmy Carpenter about developing a Town of Waco brochure. The idea was to have something that we could use to promote Waco and to highlight our rich history. The project was put on hold for a few years but we got together with Jimmy earlier this year and finalized the design. The brochure offers a look back at our history and includes some vintage photos of some of Waco's landmarks. The brochure highlights information on renting the Community Center and promotes our website www.townofwaco.com. These brochures will be provided to the Cleveland County Tourism Board and to our local Chambers of Commerce to help promote what Waco has to offer. We want to thank Jimmy Carpenter for the beautiful work he did on the design of the brochure and the Waco Stop & Shop for covering the cost of the printing. (If you would like a copy of the brochure, contact us with your name and address and we'll send one out to you)

This isn't the first time we have partnered with Jimmy Carpenter. Jimmy designed the new Town Seal that was adopted in 2016 and he also developed the screen printing design for our tee shifts.  Jimmy's contact information is on the back of the brochure as well as in the Local Business Directory page and we encourage you to reach out to him for any design work you may need. Please support Waco area businesses. jeb

July 16, 2019

We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting our "Third Annual Community Yard Sale" this year on  Saturday October 12th. 8am - 2pm at the Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department. To reserve a spot or for more information call 704-769-4147 or email us at townofwaco@gmail.com . More information to come. jeb

November 11, 2019

The Town of Waco voters approved the sale of Malt beverages (beer)  by a majority vote on November 5, 2019. The Board first placed the measure on the ballot in 2016 and wine sales passed but the Malt beverage vote ended in a tie. The Board discussed that since there was no clear decision in a tie vote, then the voters should have another opportunity to voice their opinion.  The Board voted to place the measure on the 2019 ballot. The Town Board is pleased with the election outcome and know that the increased sales tax that this measure will generate will help the long term plans for growth and stability for the Town of Waco. jeb

June 28, 2019

We continue to reach out for updates on the on-going feasibility study to widen Cherryville Rd. and replace the bridge on South Main Street. Steven Rackley with NCDOT recently told us that the engineering firm is still working with CSX and the other utility providers to determine the full impacts to town. DOT continues to look at the different phases of the project and how they can minimize impacts while keeping traffic moving along Cherryville Rd. (NC Hwy 150). Currently the design phase of the project is funded but the construction phase is not. There is a tentative timeline of fall of 2021 for the beginning of construction. We will continue to provide updates as we get them. There will be a public hearing held and we'll announce the date when we get it.  jeb

3rd Place (Tie) - Score of 96 - 2604 Fallston - Waco Rd. -  Joey and Lori Barrett

October 12, 2023 

We finally have been able to finish two projects that we have been working on for over a year. We contacted Burns High School shop class last fall asking if they would consider building us a Book Library and a Food Pantry, and although they were not able to complete them during the school year, we were able to work with a local contractor, James Royster, to complete them this August. It has taken us some time getting them finished and mounted, but we're very excited to see another project in the books. The Book Library is located at the Community Playground and the Food Pantry is on Dodd St. in front of the Town Hall. We are asking community members to drop off used books and non-perishable food items to help us both improve literacy through reading and help families in need with a donation of food. Any help is appreciated. jeb

 September 25, 2016

The Town of Waco is proud to announce that the Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department has moved into their new station on South Main St. in Waco. An open house is scheduled for Saturday December 10th. The fire department in Waco was founded in 1963 and services the Town of Waco and the surrounding community. The Town of Waco is proud of the professional group of dedicated volunteers that selfishly protect our citizens. jeb

April 7, 2016

Very excited with the progress of the new Waco Community Volunteer Fire Department being built on South Main St. We are proud to have such a great group of volunteers protecting Waco and the surrounding community. jeb